Fleadh 2020
5th August 2020

Fleadh2020 is a gathering (socially distanced and virtual) of Irish traditional musicians from around the world who, under normal circumstances, would be coming together to celebrate the All-Ireland Fleadh – ‘The Homecoming’ – in Mullingar in August.
Over the four nights 6-9 August, Fleadh2020 will capture the essence of this annual event – the music, song and dance and the stories – and present a unique insight into the fleadh community, across Ireland and around the world.
The 4 shows will be available worldwide on the TG4 Player www.tg4.ie as we take the party online across the world.
To join in the celebrations, post a video of your home Fleadh celebration to Social Media, using the hashtag #Fleadh2020 – playing a tune, telling us who you are and where you are.
The video can be shot on a mobile phone, landscape (16:9) or portrait (9:16)
You can send it to us via wetransfer to eolas@lorgmedia.com with your name, where you are from, the trad/Comhaltas group you are a member of, any other social media handles/tags you would like included, and the name of the tune!
And of course, we’d love you to post it to your own social media channels using the Hashtag #Fleadh2020